Email testing can be a double edged sword. Picture this: You’ve polished up your email content, whether it is a free email template, or not, and everything is all set, but that’s only the first step on the road to a successful email campaign. You almost always need an email testing tool that makes itRead More
How to Test Custom Email on Email on Acid

Tools that make Developing Emails Productive and Save Time

At the end of every work day, almost everyone working in email development wonders, “What happened to all the time I had at hand?” After all, churning out email templates in HTML day in and day out is no mean feat. You may ask, why do we need so many HTML templates in email inRead More
How to Easily Create a Responsive Email Template + Free Email Template

The good old email! Still the most effective messaging channel and offers a tough fight to the other contemporary communication tactics. Not entirely convinced that email has that retaining power anymore? Allow us to paint you a picture! 86% of professionals make email connection a priority. While 52% of responders said that email is theirRead More
Looking to Master the Use of an Animated GIF in an Email? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Wondering what’s the craze about an animated GIF in an email? Well, visuals tell stories at a pace faster than text! How else will you explain why communications that revolve around images produce 650 percent higher engagement than text-only posts? But then, along came GIFs and completely transformed the online experience. 26%! That’s how muchRead More